Celebrating our Top Score in Sustainable Wood Furnishings
Last week, we got an email from our friends at the Sustainable Furnishings Council letting us know that we had received a top score in their 2022 Wood Furniture Scorecard!
We were so excited to receive this news – and even more proud to have achieved this rating thanks to the efforts of our amazing team members! In celebration, we wanted to take a moment to share some of what makes us so sustainable – and why you can feel confident choosing a product from our store.
What is the Wood Furniture Scorecard?
The Wood Furniture Scorecard is an initiative of the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) and Sustainable Furnishings Council (SFC). Its goal is to encourage furniture retailers, big or small, to implement robust policies that drive responsible wood sourcing practices through their complex supply chains. This is the fifth year that the scorecard has been released and the second year that Monkey Bunks has participated.
Our score - which ties us as the 7th highest scoring company out of a total of 127 scored - is a significant improvement from last year and shows how hard we have worked!
We take sustainability seriously at Monkey Bunks
We take sustainability seriously at our company. We are growing our selection of FSC-certified products. You've seen this symbol for paper, but did you know you that any forestry product can be FSC-certified?

FSC-certification demonstrates that the wood in our products comes from responsibly managed forests. The Forest Stewardship Council's system tracks the wood from these forests from harvest all the way to the final product, so you can be sure that your purchase is supporting healthy forests. Without programs like FSC, we would be losing more forest land across the planet - forests that are so critical for maintaining biodiversity and managing carbon in the atmosphere too!
In addition, we also sell a growing number of products that feature low-VOC water-based finishes as well as certified non-toxic finishes. These finish choices emit fewer harmful fumes into the environment including the home! Most importantly, these earth-friendly finishes don't sacrifice any of the durability or beauty that our customers have come to expect from our products. We believe that it's possible to create beautiful, long-lasting furniture without harming the environment, and we're committed to doing our part to make that a reality.
What our top score in sustainability means

There are many factors that were considered in the scoring, but some of the most important ones were to have public goals for sustainability and a wood-sourcing policy that directs us to seek suppliers that demonstrate their wood is sustainably sourced. For Monkey Bunks, we achieved our target of having over a quarter of the wood products in our catalogue as FSC-certified or from sustainable wood plantations.
Our score - and the score of our fellow retailers - shows an increase in awareness about wood-based products. It is so important to get more and more companies on board with caring for our forests!
How you can help
Please spread the word about the importance of seeking wood furniture that is either made from FSC-certified wood, wood from sustainable tree plantations, or - better yet - salvaged or re-claimed wood.
If you know of great wood products that we can promote here at Monkey Bunks, don't hesitate to reach out and help us make the connection.
And don't forget to check-out our growing selection of FSC-certified products!